How to apply verified online master agent account?
⭐Step 1. You need submit your ID card or passport. ⭐Step 2. Provide current mobile number. ⭐Step 3. If you have account send only username & documents. ⭐Step 4. Account Setup fees $500. need to available in your account. ⭐Step 5. Minimum balance $1500 your credit in your account allows. (Example you have balance $2000 you can cash $500). ⭐Step 6. Need add local bank account & online account in your agent account for received money. (When available fund you get request you received money & get deposit request or withdrawal request need to release balance within 10 to 30 minutes). ** Agents must have a minimum of 25 active players ✓ Agent commission: 7%. (Example buy credit $0.93 & sell credit $1
How to apply B2B business / Sub admin?
⭐Step 1. Admin setup fees $2000. ⭐ Step 2. Minimum balance $20xxx your credit in your admin account allows (need submit your ID card or passport, Mobile number & email). ⭐ Step 3. Commission: Credit withdrawal / Credit no withdrawal rate is deferent try to contact our support team. ⭐ Step 3. Minimum deposit: $2000.